“The Mission does wonderful work that meets urgent needs. It is an organization most worthy of our help.”

Since 1906, The Ottawa Mission has evolved to meet the needs of our community’s most vulnerable population. Together with you by our side, we can ensure the doors of The Mission will always be open to serve people who are hungry, homeless and lost.
A legacy gift is a personal statement of the values you embraced during your life and will help The Mission plan for the future and continue to transform lives.
Leave a gift in your will
If you are drafting a will or codicil, you can make a gift to The Ottawa Mission by using wording such as the following:
I leave this gift to The Ottawa Mission, Development Office, 46 Daly Ave., Ottawa, ON K1N 6E4, Charitable Registration #10815 0509 RR0001 or its successor, a (state share or percentage of estate, a specific amount of money, the specific securities you wish to leave.) I direct this money be used as its Board of Directors chooses.
Other ways to leave a legacy gift
You may also consider naming The Ottawa Mission as a beneficiary of your RRSPs, RRIFs or life insurance policy. Your gift can also be in the form of shares, bonds or mutual funds. We would be happy to talk with you if you want more information about these options. Please contact Rachel DeGreef at 613.868.5435 or email rdegreef@ottawamission.com for more information.
A Lasting Gift to Help Others
Your investment, our promise
We would be honoured to know if you have chosen to leave a legacy gift to The Mission. We realize that your loved ones come first and that these decisions take time and special consideration. We will handle your gift with care, sensitivity and respect. Be assured that sharing with us your intention is in no way binding, and will be held in the strictest confidence.
We’re here to help
If you are interested in making a planned gift, a gift of life insurance policy or another type of bequest, please contact Rachel DeGreef.
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