Our Commitment to Truth and Reconciliation

The Ottawa Mission's Reconciliation Action Plan

The Ottawa Mission exists on the unceded, unsurrendered Territory of the Anishinaabe Algonquin Nation, whose presence on this land reaches back to time immemorial.

The history of colonialism and anti-Indigenous racism in Canada is clear. Canada’s relationship with First Nations, Métis and Inuit Peoples has sought to forcibly assimilate them into the dominant culture by undermining their family structures, cultures, spiritualities, languages, governments, rights, livelihoods and relationships to the land. The legacy of colonialism and anti-Indigenous racism in Canada is also clear. This legacy has affected and continues to negatively impact almost every aspect of the lives of First Nations, Métis and Inuit Peoples across Canada today.

The Ottawa Mission is developing a Reconciliation Action Plan given the disproportionate number of First Nations, Métis and Inuit shelter and community clients we serve. This Reconciliation poster is The Mission’s public statement of accountability to our community of our commitment to walk the path of Reconciliation to ensure that Indigenous community members feel welcome in our shelter and we can respond to their needs. We are honoured to work with First Nations, Métis and Inuit people toward this end.

Indigenous Peoples have existed in the land called Canada from time immemorial. The Ottawa Mission affirms the inherent rights of all First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples as well as the Treaty Rights of all First Nations across this land. The Ottawa Mission continuously sees the impact of colonialism and anti-Indigenous racism at our shelter. We express our sincere gratitude to the Anishinaabe Algonquin Nation for their generosity as hosts for our continuing work to support vulnerable community members on their lands.

The Ottawa Mission commits to Reconciliation that reflects the strength and resiliency of First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples, based on right relations between Indigenous and settler populations, founded on truth, respect and an aligned understanding of our shared history as one family.


The Ottawa Mission’s Commitment to Truth and Reconciliation

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L’engagement de la Mission d’Ottawa pour la vérité et la réconciliation

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Ne Ottawa Iotatenhnhá:on’ tsi Iorharátston ne Orihwí:io tánon Aonsaioiá:neren’ne

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Ottawa Mission, Ottawa inik odinakonigewinya keh nosiniyamowatc panima tebwewin mamowi koki kidja minobidek

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Plains Cree

Ôma Ottawa Sîhkihkêmowin Oyâpahcikêwin isi Tâpwîwin mîna Wâkôwîcihiwîwin

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Ooma Ottawa soo Itapatishiwin Ashoutamakaywin ishi La Vayritee pi Weechiwawhkoostouwin

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Companion Document - The Ottawa Mission's Commitment to Truth and Reconciliation

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Companion Document - The Ottawa Mission’s Commitment to Truth and Reconciliation

Executive Summary

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