Interior of Client Services

Acrylic on canvas, 20x20in - 2022

Client Services were incorporated into The Mission in 2001 given the vital importance of providing employment and education support to shelter guests and community clients to end and prevent homelessness. Until 2019, it also included Housing support services to guests and community clients. (Housing became a separate department in that year to augment The Mission’s efforts to become a housing-focused shelter.)

Client Services’ supports include client-centred case management, crisis intervention, system navigation, referrals and practical supports. Clients may receive support to work on self-identified goals related to housing, employment, education, substance use and mental health.

Client Services are located within a former residence attached to the shelter. It provides a home for The Mission’s MCA Ottawa Stepping Stones Learning Centre and its Discovery University program, as well as an employment and education worker, case management and crisis intervention services, service referrals and system navigation, and access to phones and computers.