Why I turned to The Mission for help: John


John is a quiet, thoughtful man of 60 years. Born and raised in Ottawa, he worked as a building technician, managing properties across the city. John’s early life was marked by challenges, as he grew up with parents who battled mental illness and alcoholism. These struggles echoed in his own life, leading him down a path of alcohol addiction.

Five years ago, John’s life took a turn. He sought help at The Ottawa Mission’s Stabilization program. This decision marked the beginning of his journey to recovery. With the support of The Mission, John not only found a way out of addiction but also secured subsidized housing and eventually, employment.

However, the pandemic brought its own set of challenges. The closure of support programs led John into isolation, causing him to spiral into depression. Once again, he turned to The Ottawa Mission’s addiction programs, finding solace and support.

John often speaks of the compassion and professionalism of The Mission staff, emphasizing the importance of trust and confidentiality. He says, “The Mission has meant the difference between life and death for me. I can’t say enough good things about them.”