Why I turned to The Mission for help: Erica


Erica was halfway through culinary school in Southern Ontario when she and her
children had to flee to a women’s shelter for victims of abuse. From there, she
arranged to get on a housing waitlist in Ottawa, where she learned about the Food
Services Training Program.

Erica excelled in the program and was even chosen to be class valedictorian.
Throughout her studies, she especially enjoyed her shifts on the Mobile Mission Meals food truck, which brings nutritious food to different neighbourhood stops in the

“That food truck is a beautiful thing,” she says. “If you stay behind the doors of the kitchen, you don’t know who you’re feeding. And to me, it’s important to know who I’m feeding. I’m not just a cook, I’m cooking for people.”

Today, Erica is cooking for people in St. John’s, Newfoundland. Her experience at Chef Ric’s gave her the encouragement and support she needed to move her family all the way to the East Coast. “Seafood is my passion,” she explains. “And when it comes to seafood, there’s nothing better than fresh, right?”