August 23, 2019

John’s Prayer of Thanksgiving

John has been coming to The Ottawa Mission for lunch every day for almost 20 years and is considered a member of our extended family. He has a very limited income and often has no money for food after paying his rent. And, like so many others in the same situation, he knows where to go for a good meal and fellowship.

Back in 2016 we were able to help John in a different way when he was faced with a rent increase that he simply could not afford and suddenly lost his apartment. Because he had nowhere else to turn, he came to us. He knew we would not let him down. We provided John with a room right away and connected him with a member of our Housing Support staff who helped him find safe and affordable housing. He was able to move out of The Mission after a short stay, but he continues to come to us for meals because he needs to. He is a familiar face at our table and a bright light to other clients and staff.

John is just one of an ever-growing number of people who rely on The Mission because they simply have no other source of support. And, John is just one of the thousands of reasons why

we rely on your faithful support – at Thanksgiving and all year round. We are so grateful for your generosity. And John says thank you – every day, without fail.