January 21, 2016

Getting ready for the Coldest Night of the Year

Being homeless during the winter months is a tough go. Not only is it more difficult to get around for those looking for housing or jobs, but staying indoors in a shelter with limited public space and cramped bedrooms, only adds to the stress of many people in crisis.
As we anxiously await the warmer weather, many people are signing up to take part in a special event next month to show their support for people in need at The Ottawa Mission. On Saturday, February 20, The Mission’s second annual Coldest Night of the Year fundraising walk will be held on a downtown route.
Among the walkers will be our own Chef Ric Watson, who along with other Mission staff and volunteers, have created a team to fundraise and walk together at the event. “I feel it’s important to come together, show our support and really walk a mile in the shoes of people who stay at The Ottawa Mission,” says Chef Ric. “It may not actually be the coldest night of the year when we are out walking, but we all can imagine what that would feel like. And what’s great, is we’ll be making some great chili and hot chocolate for everyone after the walk!”
As well, almost 60 volunteers will be on hand February 20th to help us ensure the event goes smoothly – many of them standing outdoors in the cold to ensure no one strays from the route or falls down. We hope you will join us and enter your team to support for our Coldest Night of the Year walk. Here’s the link
Your support warms our hearts and the hearts of those staying at The Ottawa Mission, even during the cold winter weather.

Thank You!