September 12, 2024

Food Services Training Program graduate students to new careers and lives

Ottawa, ON – Today the Ottawa Mission celebrated the graduation of 31 students of its renowned Food Services Training Program (FSTP) trained at “Chef Ric’s”, the shelter’s social enterprise at 384 Rideau Street.

One of these graduates is Brian Arinaitwe, a determined young man from Uganda working hard to make a new life for himself in his adopted country. His experience at Chef Ric’s has made this easier. “In many ways, the FSTP has been like family to me. Chef Ric’s, where we had our classes and cooking lessons, is a safe and comfortable place where I learned a lot and got to know my fellow students as well as the staff and guest instructors. As a person new to Canada, this made me feel less alone, which is so important when you come to a new country to make a new life for yourself.” Brian is now a proud new employee at a local coffee shop and also at Farm Boy in Ottawa.

2024 marks the 20th anniversary since the inception of the FSTP, and this cohort is the 41th graduation ceremony for the program. Since that time, the program has graduated 390 students, over 90% of whom have found employment in the food service industry. The program was created by Chef Ric Allen-Watson, the Mission’s Director of Food Services. Homeless at age 14, he knows the power of paying it forward.

“When I started at the Mission in 2002, I saw myself in the faces of the people I served food to. While it was satisfying, it wasn’t enough. That’s why I started the FSTP: to help vulnerable people even more by supporting them to become independent. After 20 years, I couldn’t be happier that we continue to help so many people who need support.”

With both homelessness and food insecurity at record levels in Ottawa, the FSTP, which is funded entirely by donations to the Mission, is needed now more than ever. “I want to express my sincere thanks to our incredibly generous donors, who have changed so many lives in our community for the better by your continuing support for this program,” long-term Board member Jack Murta concluded.

About The Ottawa Mission
Since 1906, The Ottawa Mission has been serving those who are homeless, hungry and lost by providing food, clothing, shelter and skills. In 2022-2023, The Ottawa Mission provided emergency shelter to an average of 177 men every night and served an average of 2,898 meals every day. The Ottawa Mission also provides to men and women health services, mental health and addiction treatment programs, hospice care, dental services, housing services, educational support, job training, spiritual care, and clothing to thousands in need in our community. In September 2020, The Ottawa Mission marked the one millionth hour that the shelter has been in existence since its founding in 1906. In 2019, the Mission became a housing-focused shelter reflective of its commitment to a home for everyone as a human right with the launch of a new housing department.

Aileen Leo
Director of Communications
T 613.234.1144 x 305
C: 613.712.3092