December 17, 2015

Christmas Cupcakes for Our Special Guests!

This year, for the sixth year in a row, The Ottawa Mission will be serving a special dessert as part of its annual Christmas Dinner on December 20. As is often the case, special things are brought about by special people and, in this case, that special person is Josée Cowley.

Josée is the founder and chief organizer of an adventure called “Cupcakes 4 Christmas”. Each year, early in November, Josée launches an on-line and word-of-mouth campaign looking for “bakers with heart” to help bake, decorate and deliver an amazing 3,000 yummy cupcakes by the appointed date. She provides detailed baking, packaging and delivery instructions and, by the way, also does some serious baking herself – with the help of her husband and five children. Josée estimates that upwards of 40 families get involved each year, and the quota is always met!

Beyond this, Josée is a strong supporter of The Mission, and she makes sure to spread the word about other ways that people can get involved to help those who need it most. As Josée says, “It is nice to be able to do something positive at this time of year to help those who aren’t as fortunate. It’s just a good feeling.”

We are so thankful for Josee’s dedication and hard work, and so are the people who attend our Christmas dinner. You only have to see the smiles on the faces of our guests when the cupcakes are served to know that this special gesture means a great deal to people who often have so little to celebrate. Thank you Josée!