December 18, 2013

Christmas blessings of Comfort, Hope and Peace

I’ve been at The Ottawa Mission for just over six months now, so this will be my first time experiencing Christmas at the shelter.  Even so, as I reflect upon the universal Christmas themes of comfort, hope and peace – I can say in all honesty that I see demonstrations of these special gifts that we can give one another around me every day.

When we are able to provide people with food, shelter, medical and hospice care, we are really providing them with the gift of comfort at a time when they have no other options.

When we help people battle long-term addictions, or offer those who are out of work opportunities for education and job training, or help those who have nowhere to live access affordable housing, we are providing them with the gift of hope for a better life.

And when we offer spiritual guidance, or the special counselling that goes along with our treatment programs, or just listen when people need to unburden themselves, we are providing them the gift of peace in their otherwise turbulent lives.

All of you who support The Mission, especially during the Christmas season, are helping us help the most vulnerable members of our community at an especially difficult time of year for them.  And you are giving hundreds of people the precious gifts of comfort, hope and peace.

God bless you and your family this Christmas season and all year round.


Peter Tilley
Executive Director
The Ottawa Mission