Category Archives: Media Releases

Giving to Support Those in Need:

Help The Ottawa Mission Feed Hungry Community Members this Thanksgiving by Donating Frozen Turkeys

Ottawa, ON – As we head into the fall, planning is well underway for The Ottawa Mission’s annual Thanksgiving Dinner at its shelter, which will take place on Monday, October 9th, and also from October 2 – 8 through its food truck program.

The meal for shelter guests and community members will begin at 11:00 am in The Mission dining room. The Mission’s food truck program will also serve a full Thanksgiving meal to everyone who accesses this service the week prior to the October 9 meal.

On any given day, The Ottawa Mission serves about 3,000 meals to shelter residents and those in need in the community. Due to the shocking increase in hunger across our community, the shelter anticipates serving over 14,000 meals this Thanksgiving.

“It will take about 6,000 pounds of turkey to feed everyone who comes to our special Thanksgiving dinner,” says Chef Ric Watson, Director of Food Services at The Mission. “Our kitchen volunteers and staff are working very hard to ensure that everyone will have a delicious turkey dinner by preparing for this very special event in advance.”

Also on the menu will be: 3000 lbs. peeled potatoes; 2000 lbs. glazed fresh carrots; 150 Gallons of gravy; and 900 vegetarian quiche.

Frozen turkey donations can be dropped off between 7 am – 5 pm at the garage entrance to The Ottawa Mission at the corner of Waller and Besserer. Please ring the bell and a staff-person will arrive to receive your donation. Monetary donations to support the Thanksgiving meal are also appreciated and can be made at:

About The Ottawa Mission
Since 1906, The Ottawa Mission has been serving the homeless, the hungry and the lost by providing food, clothing, shelter and skills. In 2021-2022, The Ottawa Mission provided emergency shelter to an average of 118 men every night and served an average of 2570 meals every day.  The Ottawa Mission also provides to men and women health services, mental health and addiction treatment programs, hospice care, dental services, housing services, educational support, job training, spiritual care, and clothing to thousands in need in our community. In September 2020, The Ottawa Mission marked the one millionth hour that the shelter has been in existence since its founding in 1906. In 2019, the Mission became a housing-focused shelter reflective of its commitment to a home for everyone as a human right with the launch of a new housing department.

Myles Dingwall – Communications Officer
C 613.613-809-3764

Food Services Training Program offers hope to students to rebuild their lives

Recent graduates include newcomers to Canada

Ottawa, ON – Today The Ottawa Mission celebrated the graduation of 24 students of its renowned Food Services Training Program (FSTP) trained at “Chef Ric’s”, the shelter’s social enterprise at 384 Rideau Street.

This graduation ceremony was dedicated to Chef Antonio Grande, a long-time and passionate volunteer FSTP instructor. Chef Toni passed away in June and the graduation ceremony is dedicated to his memory.

One of these graduates is Jean Chirac, a newcomer from Burundi. At age 26, he left his home last December to start anew in Ottawa. Facing uncertainty about his future, he discovered the FSTP and was accepted. “I love cooking and creating with food. I felt very fortunate to have found an opportunity like this.”

Jean Chirac excelled in the program and soon found himself employed at a local restaurant, showing tremendous work ethic balancing his work and his studies. While he had some cooking skills and experience to build on, he found the program’s resume writing and job application training to be particularly beneficial. He plans on using that training to pursue a culinary career with a social service agency.

The FSTP was created in 2004 by Chef Ric Allen-Watson, The Mission’s Director of Food Services. Homeless at age 14, he knows the power of paying it forward. “Someone reached out to me and showed me that education could help. That’s why I started this program: to help other people rebuild their lives.”

Since 2004, 282 people have graduated from the program, almost 90% of whom have gone on to positions in the food services industry. In September 2021, operations for the FSTP were moved from The Ottawa Mission’s kitchen to Chef Ric’s to add more space and increase the capacity of the program. The next session of the FSTP began earlier this week and has 20 registrants.

As Ottawa continues to deal with a post-pandemic environment, including worsening mental health, addictions, homelessness, inflation, hunger and poverty, The Mission will remain the first place of refuge for increasing numbers of vulnerable people going forward for the next several years. “By expanding this incredibly successful program at Chef Ric’s, we’re doing our part to help even more people in need,” Ottawa Mission CEO Peter Tilley concluded.

About The Ottawa Mission
Since 1906, The Ottawa Mission has been serving those who are homeless, hungry and lost by providing food, clothing, shelter and skills. In 2021-2022, The Ottawa Mission provided emergency shelter to an average of 118 men every night and served an average of 2,570 meals every day.  The Ottawa Mission also provides to men and women health services, mental health and addiction treatment programs, hospice care, dental services, housing services, educational support, job training, spiritual care, and clothing to thousands in need in our community. In September 2020, The Ottawa Mission marked the one millionth hour that the shelter has been in existence since its founding in 1906. In 2019, the Mission became a housing-focused shelter reflective of its commitment to a home for everyone as a human right with the launch of its housing department. Visit to learn more.

Myles Dingwall
Communications Officer

The Ottawa Mission Unveils Diane Morrison Hospice Memorial Wall

The Wall Honours The Profound Connections between Those Who Provide Care and Those Who Receive It

Ottawa, ON – Earlier this month, The Ottawa Mission and its partners in the Diane Morrison Hospice unveiled its new Memorial Wall. The Wall, which measures 24 feet wide by 8.5 feet high, tells the story of how the Hospice came into being, and stories of those who have received care, those who have provided it, and the profound connections between them. The Wall also contains all the names of all 413 people who have passed away in the Hospice since 2001. After the Wall was recently installed, current Hospice clients as well as friends and family members stopped and touched these plaques, remembering their loved ones.

People who are homeless have a far greater risk of premature death than those who are not. “Since 2001, we have been a leader in palliative care for homeless people,” stated Ottawa Mission CEO Peter Tilley. Until 2018, the Diane Morrison Hospice was the only Hospice affiliated with a homeless shelter in North America.

“Diane Morrison’s vision for end-of-life care was based on compassion, dignity and community, a vision shared by our partners in the Hospice Ottawa Inner City Health (OICH), Carefor, and other service providers,” Tilley added. “In the words of Jack, one of our first clients: ‘The Ottawa Mission Hospice is the nicest place I have ever lived. No one in my entire life has ever cared for me this much.’ This is what our Hospice is all about.”

Manager of the Hospice Yetunde Owolabi noted the complexity of providing care to homeless clients and the importance of trust between those who receive care and those who provide it. “Our Hospice offers medical, psychosocial and spiritual support tailored to each person’s needs, including a specialized understanding of complex mental health needs and addictions. Our clients have had great challenges in their lives and find it hard to trust others, and we offer unconditional acceptance The Hospice team offers them a safe and welcoming place during the most difficult time of their lives. For most, the Hospice is their last home, and providing care means gaining their trust. We provide a supportive environment where no one dies alone.

Rob Boyd, CEO of OICH, spoke of providing care to homeless people where they’re at within the shelter system. “Our very first program was the Diane Morrison Hospice operated with the Ottawa Mission. All OICH programs are operated in partnership with shelters, housing providers, hospitals, and community health providers. OICH has 9 special shelter-based healthcare services, 5 supportive housing services and outreach programs to help people with their health concerns. We are proud to provide care to vulnerable people who often face stigma. We are also proud to provide this care through emergency shelter system, which is sometimes seen as providing only food, clothing and shelter without longer-term wraparound supports.”

Boyd also noted the importance of expanded the Hospice model of care and providing stable and predictable funding. “Hundreds of vulnerable and homeless people in Ottawa need the kind of care that the Diane Morrison Hospice provides. Our clients find it very difficult to access care appropriate to their needs. We also need more dedicated spaces such as the Hospice to reach these patients.”

The Hospice has received over $100,000 in private funds raised by the Order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem since its inception in 2001. It has also received support through an annual grant from the government of Ontario. However, this support is not guaranteed. “We need stable and predictable public funding to ensure that we can continue to meet the needs of our clients,” Boyd concluded.

About The Ottawa Mission
Since 1906, The Ottawa Mission has been serving those who are homeless, hungry and lost by providing food, clothing, shelter and skills. In 2021-2022, The Ottawa Mission provided emergency shelter to an average of 118 men every night and served an average of 2,570 meals every day.  The Ottawa Mission also provides to men and women health services, mental health and addiction treatment programs, primary care, hospice care, dental services, housing services, educational support, job training, spiritual care, and clothing to thousands in need in our community. In September 2020, The Ottawa Mission marked the one millionth hour that the shelter has been in existence since its founding in 1906. In 2019, the Mission became a housing-focused shelter reflective of its commitment to a home for everyone as a human right with the launch of a new housing department.

Aileen Leo
Director of Communications
T 613.234.1144 x 305
C: 613.712.3092

Food Services Training Program gives hope for students to rebuild their lives

Recent graduates include Mohawk elder who supports the Mission’s Country Food Feast

Ottawa, ON – Today The Ottawa Mission celebrated the graduation of 20 students of its renowned Food Services Training Program (FSTP) trained at “Chef Ric’s”, the shelter’s social enterprise at 384 Rideau Street.

Of the 20 students graduating this week, 19 have secured positions in the industry.

One of these graduates is Pauline, whose Mohawk name is Katsitsyaroroks. New to Ottawa, Pauline enrolled in the FSTP to get back on her feet. A teacher, artist, elder and grandmother from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory, Pauline is a determined student with a big laugh.

As part of her FSTP curriculum, Pauline helps prepare, cook, and serve traditional Indigenous foods such as caribou, bannock, char and others during the Country Food Feast that The Mission hosts each month. First Nations, Metis, and Inuit people have a disproportionate burden of homelessness in Ottawa. Country foods can be hard to access in our community, and this meal is deeply meaningful to the First Nations, Metis, and Inuit people who come to The Mission for these special occasions. “It’s been wonderful to serve these meals. They know it’s their medicine food,” Pauline says.

Pauline combines her extensive knowledge of Mohawk food and culinary traditions with the FSTP’s valuable lessons on the business of food service. Her goal is to use what she’s learned and eventually return to Tyendinaga to build a business that nourishes her community through both traditional foods and cultural teachings. “The FSTP opens the door to help me give back. That’s all people need: love and full bellies.”

The FSTP was created in 2004 by Chef Ric Allen-Watson, The Mission’s Director of Food Services. Homeless at age 14, he knows the power of paying it forward. “Someone reached out to me and showed me that education could help. That’s why I started this program: to help other people rebuild their lives.”

Since 2004, 258 people have graduated from the program, almost 90% of whom have gone on to positions in the food services industry. In September 2021, operations for the FSTP were moved from The Ottawa Mission’s kitchen to Chef Ric’s to add more space and increase the capacity of the program. The next session of the FSTP began earlier this week and has 25 registrants.

As Ottawa continues to deal with many forces buffeting our community such as inflation, hunger, poverty and homelessness, The Mission will remain the first place of refuge for increasing numbers of vulnerable people going forward for the next several years. “By expanding this incredibly successful program at Chef Ric’s, we’re doing our part to help even more people in need,” Ottawa Mission CEO Peter Tilley concluded.

About The Ottawa Mission
Since 1906, The Ottawa Mission has been serving those who are homeless, hungry and lost by providing food, clothing, shelter and skills. In 2021-2022, The Ottawa Mission provided emergency shelter to an average of 118 men every night and served an average of 2,570 meals every day.  The Ottawa Mission also provides to men and women health services, mental health and addiction treatment programs, hospice care, dental services, housing services, educational support, job training, spiritual care, and clothing to thousands in need in our community. In September 2020, The Ottawa Mission marked the one millionth hour that the shelter has been in existence since its founding in 1906. In 2019, the Mission became a housing-focused shelter reflective of its commitment to a home for everyone as a human right with the launch of its housing department. Visit to learn more.

Aileen Leo
Director of Communications
T 613.234.1144 x 305
C 613.712.3092


Helping Those in Need this Easter: Ottawa Mission Serves 14,454 Meals to Meet Continuing Extreme Hunger in Ottawa

Ottawa, ON – During the Ottawa Mission’s special Easter meal service, which was held on April 10 for shelter and community members in our dining room, as well as the week prior through our Mobile Mission Meals food truck program, the shelter served 14,454 meals to those in need. Shelter guests and community members enjoyed a full roast beef dinner, while food truck program clients took home a delicious turkey supper. Several elected officials participated in serving this special meal to shelter guests and community members, including the Hon. Mona Fortier, PC, MP, and several city Councilors.

The recent pandemic as well as rampant food inflation has resulted in shocking increases in hunger in Ottawa. To meet this deepening need, the Mission added a second truck and additional stops to its food truck program. The program began in September 2020 with 5 stops serving 100 meals at each stop and has grown over the course of the pandemic to now 34 stops serving over 7,000 meals per week to people in need across the city of Ottawa. In 2019, the last Easter before the pandemic, the shelter served 2,659 meals.

“This is a new record for one of our special meals and more than five times the number of meals we served for Easter 2019. The astounding increase in hunger in our community is why we’ve expanded our food truck program so many times across our community,” noted Chef Ric Allen-Watson, Director of Food Services for the Mission.

“Ottawa was already in the grip of a continuing homelessness emergency, an opioid-use epidemic and then the pandemic. And now hunger is at urgent levels across our community because of continuing double-digit food inflation. Given the overwhelming impact of these successive crises on our collective mental health, finances, food insecurity, and risk of homelessness, we anticipate remaining the first place of refuge for even more vulnerable people. We’re happy to help, we can’t continue to do it alone. We need help to ensure that those who rely upon this program don’t go hungry,” noted Ottawa Mission CEO Peter Tilley.

“Our dedicated volunteers and exceptional kitchen staff worked hard to ensure that everyone had a delicious Easter. And a special thanks to our donors and supporters who have been profoundly generous in their continuing support of the Mission. A huge thank you to all,” Tilley concluded.

About The Ottawa Mission
Since 1906, The Ottawa Mission has been serving those who are homeless, hungry and lost by providing food, clothing, shelter and skills. In 2021-2022, The Ottawa Mission provided emergency shelter to an average of 118 men every night and served an average of 2,570 meals every day.  The Ottawa Mission also provides to men and women health services, mental health and addiction treatment programs, hospice care, dental services, housing services, educational support, job training, spiritual care, and clothing to thousands in need in our community. In September 2020, The Ottawa Mission marked the one millionth hour that the shelter has been in existence since its founding in 1906. In 2019, the Mission became a housing-focused shelter reflective of its commitment to a home for everyone as a human right with the launch of its housing department. Visit to learn more.

Aileen Leo
Director of Communications
T 613.234.1144 x 305
C 613.712.3092

Ottawa Mission anticipates serving almost 14,000 meals this Easter

Help The Ottawa Mission Feed Hungry Community Members this Easter by Donating Frozen Turkeys for our Special Food Truck Meal

Ottawa, ON – As we head into spring after a long winter, planning is underway for The Ottawa Mission’s annual Easter Dinner, which will take place on Monday, April 10th at the shelter – the first in-person Easter meal hosted by the Mission in three years. The Mission will also be serving special Easter meals from April 3 – 9 through its first food truck program to 34 community partner stops across Ottawa. The Mission launched this program to meet the unbelievable need for food in our community. The Mission anticipates that it will serve approximately 14,000 Easter meals – a new record for this special holiday meal for the shelter, and 950,000 – 1 million meals over this fiscal year.

“It will take 4,500 pounds of turkey, or 250 large turkeys to feed everyone who comes to our food trucks for our special Easter dinner,” says Chef Ric Watson, Director of Food Services at The Mission. “Our kitchen volunteers and staff are working very hard to ensure that everyone will have a delicious turkey dinner by preparing for this very special event in advance.”

Also on the menu will be: 1500 lbs. roast beef; 2000 Yorkshire puddings; 2000 baked potatoes with sour cream (all for the special meal served to shelter guests on April 10); 4500 lbs. turkey; 3000 lbs. peeled potatoes; 1800 lbs. glazed fresh carrots; 150 gallons of gravy; and 900 vegetarian quiches.

Members of the public can help ensure that no one in our community goes hungry this Easter. Frozen turkey donations can be dropped off between 7 am – 5 pm at the garage entrance to The Ottawa Mission at the corner of Waller and Besserer. Please ring the bell and a staff-person will arrive to receive your donation. Monetary donations to support the Easter meal are also appreciated and can be made at:

About The Ottawa Mission
Since 1906, The Ottawa Mission has been serving those who are homeless, hungry and lost by providing food, clothing, shelter and skills. In 2021-2022, The Ottawa Mission provided emergency shelter to an average of 118 men every night and served an average of 2,570 meals every day.  The Ottawa Mission also provides to men and women health services, mental health and addiction treatment programs, primary care, hospice care, dental services, housing services, educational support, job training, spiritual care, and clothing to thousands in need in our community. In September 2020, The Ottawa Mission marked the one millionth hour that the shelter has been in existence since its founding in 1906. In 2019, the Mission became a housing-focused shelter reflective of its commitment to a home for everyone as a human right with the launch of a new housing department.

Aileen Leo
Director of Communications
T 613.234.1144 x 305
C: 613.712.3092

Statement on the City of Ottawa’s Confirmed 2023 Budget

OTTAWA, ON – The Ottawa Mission, our city’s oldest and largest homeless shelter, thanks members of Ottawa City Council for increasing the allocation for affordable housing from $15 to $16.5 million in today’s confirmed 2023 budget through an additional $1.5 million from an increase to the Sale of Surplus Land Account.

Many organizations, including our shelter, asked for an increase because while we appreciate the support in the 2023 budget for housing, the original allocation of $15 million for new affordable housing was an amount that had not increased since it was introduced in the 2019 City of Ottawa budget. The allocation of an additional $1.5 million is a good start to addressing the overwhelming need for affordable housing in our community.

The Ottawa Mission had expressed concern because in Ottawa:

  • For every one unit of affordable rent built, seven are lost.
  • Average rents increased over 14% in 2022, with one-bedroom apartments now costing about $2,000, thereby forcing people to use food banks and meal programs such as ours to pay their rent.
  • 10% of those in emergency shelters are employed and cannot afford these staggering rents.
  • There are 12,000 individuals on Ottawa Community Housing’s waiting list, many of whom wait for years.
  • There are an estimated over 200 individuals sleeping outside, which is a public health emergency.

While the City of Ottawa needs provincial and federal government contributions for housing, the value of the $15 million for new affordable housing within the City’s 10-year housing plan has declined over time due to inflation and the increasing numbers of people needing services.

The Ottawa Mission expresses our sincere thanks to Council for this increase for new affordable housing. We look forward to continuing to work with all members of Council to ensure that housing and homelessness is a top priority over the life of this term of Council.

Learn more about our ‘Mission Possible’ Advocacy efforts:

About The Ottawa Mission
Since 1906, The Ottawa Mission has been serving those who are homeless, hungry and lost by providing food, clothing, shelter and skills. In 2021-2022, The Ottawa Mission provided emergency shelter to an average of 118 men every night and served an average of 2,570 meals every day.  The Ottawa Mission also provides to men and women health services, mental health and addiction treatment programs, primary care, hospice care, dental services, housing services, educational support, job training, spiritual care, and clothing to thousands in need in our community. In September 2020, The Ottawa Mission marked the one millionth hour that the shelter has been in existence since its founding in 1906. In 2019, the Mission became a housing-focused shelter reflective of its commitment to a home for everyone as a human right with the launch of a new housing department.

Aileen Leo
Director of Communications
T 613.234.1144 x 305
C: 613.712.3092


Ottawa Mission’s food truck program surpasses 500,000 meals served

Shelter purchases second food truck to ensure program clients continue to be fed

Ottawa, ON – The Ottawa Mission’s food truck program, established in September 2020 in response to growing hunger resulting from the pandemic, has recently surpassed the mark of serving 500,000 meals to people across the city of Ottawa who would otherwise go hungry.

“The pandemic, combined with food inflation, has meant that our meal numbers have exploded across this city – it’s unbelievable,” noted Chef Ric Allen-Watson, the shelter’s Director of Food Services. Before the pandemic, The Mission served 495,000 meals. This past fiscal year, it served 938,000 meals, with meals served from the food truck program comprising a significant portion of this total number.

The program began with one truck and five stops serving 500 meals per week to reach people across the city who could not travel to the shelter for meals due to disability, lack of funds for bus fares, or other reasons. “Our program now has two trucks, 34 stops across the city and serves over 7,000 meals per week. According to a 2021 survey of food truck program clients, 51% of food truck program clients visited the program weekly, and 34% of clients were families with children,” Allen-Watson added.

Beginning with one food truck from the Pelican Seafood Market and Grill that was not being used due to the pandemic, the Mission added a new truck in 2021 as the program gradually expanded. Recently, after over two years of faithful service, the shelter has had to retire its first food truck since it was more than 20 years old and regularly needed repairs to stay on the road.

“Food truck clients have told us that they sometimes go hungry  ̶  even for days  ̶  until our food trucks come. This program, which costs hundreds of thousands of dollars per year, is funded entirely by our supporters. I want to express our deepest gratitude to our donors, who, through their incredible compassion and generosity, continue to provide much-needed nutritious food to vulnerable people across our community,” Peter Tilley, CEO of The Ottawa Mission noted.

“Finally, I want to say to all three levels of government: we need to address the reasons why people across our community and our country are increasingly turning to food-support programs like ours just to survive. We need to address the root causes of why people are turning to these programs, including poverty, lack of meaningful adjustments to income support programs, a continuing lack of affordable and supportive housing, and other factors,” Tilley concluded.

About The Ottawa Mission
Since 1906, The Ottawa Mission has been serving those who are homeless, hungry and lost by providing food, clothing, shelter and skills. In 2021-2022, The Ottawa Mission provided emergency shelter to an average of 118 men every night and served an average of 2,570 meals every day.  The Ottawa Mission also provides to men and women health services, mental health and addiction treatment programs, primary care, hospice care, dental services, housing services, educational support, job training, spiritual care, and clothing to thousands in need in our community. In September 2020, The Ottawa Mission marked the one millionth hour that the shelter has been in existence since its founding in 1906. In 2019, the Mission became a housing-focused shelter reflective of its commitment to a home for everyone as a human right with the launch of a new housing department.

Aileen Leo
Director of Communications
T 613.234.1144 x 305
C: 613.712.3092

Food Services Training Program offers hope to students to rebuild their lives

Recent graduates include student fleeing war in Ukraine

Ottawa, ON – Today The Ottawa Mission celebrated the graduation of 12 students of its renowned Food Services Training Program (FSTP) trained at “Chef Ric’s”, the shelter’s social enterprise at 384 Rideau Street.

Since its inception in 2004, almost 90% of FSTP graduates have found employment in the food service industry. Of the 12 students graduating this week, 10 have secured positions in the industry (84%). Chef Ric’s continues to support their search for employment and is confident that they will be working soon.

One of these graduates is Tetiana. An accountant from Ukraine, she fled with her husband after her home city of Mariupol fell to Russian forces. After arriving in Canada, she was accepted into the FSTP. Her husband was offered a job at The Mission’s kitchen, and the shelter found them a free apartment and provided furniture and housewares to make it a true home. Since English is not her first language, Tetiana has found the FTSP “challenging”. But, as she notes, “it’s an amazing opportunity to start a new life in Canada. It means a lot to me. It’s so hard to organize a new life. If not for the help of The Mission, we couldn’t do anything. We were like little birds who had fallen out of our nest. Without The Mission and our host, it would have been impossible.” Tetiana is now a proud and happy employee at Chef Ric’s.

Another graduate is Panah, who is originally from Iran and came to Canada in 2022 after working as a translator in Turkey for refugee support. When she arrived in Canada six months ago, she knew no English, but was supported by Chef Ric’s to learn the language after being accepted into the FSTP. Chef Ric’s also helped Panah find work placements fulltime at the Well, a day program for women and children run by St. John the Evangelist Church and also part-time at Cornerstone Housing for Women. “I want to be independent in Canada. Thank you to everyone at the Ottawa Mission and at Chef Ric’s who have helped me to make a new life here in Canada. I could not have done it without you.

The FSTP was created in 2004 by Chef Ric Allen-Watson, The Mission’s Director of Food Services. Homeless at age 14, he knows the power of paying it forward. “Someone reached out to me and showed me that education could help. That’s why I started this program: to help other people rebuild their lives.”

Since 2004, 238 people have graduated from the program, almost 90% of whom have gone on to positions in the food services industry. In September 2021, operations for the FSTP were moved from The Ottawa Mission’s kitchen to Chef Ric’s to add more space and increase the capacity of the program. The next session of the FSTP began earlier this week and has 25 registrants.

As Ottawa slowly emerges from the pandemic and also continues to deal with many forces buffeting our community such as inflation and related hunger, The Ottawa Mission anticipates that it will remain the first place of refuge for increasing numbers of vulnerable people going forward for the next several years. “By expanding this incredibly successful program at Chef Ric’s, we’re doing our part to help even more people in need,” Ottawa Mission CEO Peter Tilley concluded.

About The Ottawa Mission
Since 1906, The Ottawa Mission has been serving those who are homeless, hungry and lost by providing food, clothing, shelter and skills. In 2021-2022, The Ottawa Mission provided emergency shelter to an average of 118 men every night and served an average of 2,570 meals every day.  The Ottawa Mission also provides to men and women health services, mental health and addiction treatment programs, primary care, hospice care, dental services, housing services, educational support, job training, spiritual care, and clothing to thousands in need in our community. In September 2020, The Ottawa Mission marked the one millionth hour that the shelter has been in existence since its founding in 1906. In 2019, the Mission became a housing-focused shelter reflective of its commitment to a home for everyone as a human right with the launch of a new housing department.

Aileen Leo
Director of Communications
T 613.234.1144 x 305
C: 613.712.3092

Ottawa Mission Smashes Record for Number of Christmas Meals Served

14,030: largest number of holiday meals served in response to ongoing unprecedented need

Ottawa, ON – Ottawa, ON – During this Christmas season, The Ottawa Mission served an astounding 14,030 Christmas meals to people across the city of Ottawa, the highest total of holiday meals ever served in the shelter’s history. The shelter provided a full Christmas meal with all the fixings at its first in-shelter Christmas meal since 2019 for both shelter guests and community clients on December 18 as well as through its 32 food truck program community partner stops and other locations across Ottawa from December 11 – 17.

In addition to this special meal, the occasion also provided a sense of warmth and community to those in need who would otherwise be alone.

The shelter’s annual meal numbers have almost doubled since the beginning of pandemic, rising from 495,000 in 2018 – 2019 to 938,000 in 2021 – 2022. The pandemic and now inflation means even more people are having to choose between feeding themselves and their families or paying their housing costs, and turning to the shelter for help. “I’ve been at The Mission for over 20 years, and I’ve never seen hunger this shocking in our community,” noted Chef Ric Allen-Watson, Director of Food Services at The Mission.

Over 6,500 pounds of turkey as well as 3,200 pounds of potatoes, 1,700 pounds of vegetables, 150 gallons of gravy, and 900 vegetarian quiches went into making these meals. “I want to thank the people of Ottawa for their incredible generosity by donating so many turkeys, produce and other food items to ensure that we could help meet this need by providing a full Christmas dinner to so many people. I also want to thank our kitchen volunteers and staff, who worked so hard to make these meals,” Allen-Watson added.

“While we are very pleased to be having our first in-shelter meal for both shelter guests and community clients since 2019, we remain very concerned about the shocking increase in hunger across our community due to the pandemic and inflation. We look forward to working with all levels of government in 2023 to address those conditions which caused so many people in need to turn to our shelter for help, including poverty, lack of affordable housing, and other factors,” Ottawa Mission CEO Peter Tilley concluded.

About The Ottawa Mission
Since 1906, The Ottawa Mission has been serving those who are homeless, hungry and lost by providing food, clothing, shelter and skills. In 2021-2022, The Ottawa Mission provided emergency shelter to an average of 118 men every night and served an average of 2,570 meals every day.  The Ottawa Mission also provides to men and women health services, mental health and addiction treatment programs, primary care, hospice care, dental services, housing services, educational support, job training, spiritual care, and clothing to thousands in need in our community. In September 2020, The Ottawa Mission marked the one millionth hour that the shelter has been in existence since its founding in 1906. In 2019, the Mission became a housing-focused shelter reflective of its commitment to a home for everyone as a human right with the launch of a new housing department.

Aileen Leo
Director of Communications
T 613.234.1144 x 305
C: 613.712.3092