Category Archives: Blog

Mental Illness Awareness Week: Why I partner with the Mission

In honour of Mental Health Awareness Week, The Ottawa Mission brings you stories of our dedicated mental health, trauma and addiction program staff who work tirelessly with clients to help them rebuild their lives.

Robyn is a social worker with the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) who has worked within The Mission for the past three years supporting clients with untreated severe and persistent mental illness. The Mission had identified a need for outreach to isolated, long-term shelter residents who lacked meaningful engagement with personal relationships and professional supports. To meet the complex needs of these individuals, The Mission partnered with community mental health experts at CMHA and created Robyn’s position.

Robyn delivers intensive case management with her clients to provide a variety of supportive services. “I believe that all people, despite their circumstances, want to improve their lives. Mental illness can impact people’s insight, ability to organize, and set goals. Building rapport and trust is essential to addressing these barriers and supporting individuals on their respective journeys.”

“Change is slow, and often hard. ‘Success’ is different for each client. For some, it can mean securing and maintaining housing. For others, it can be as simple as making a connection with someone. I feel privileged to be welcomed into clients’ lives to support this,” Robyn adds.

“Mission staff want what’s best for clients and they’re very flexible to help clients get there. They help resolve barriers that can stand in clients’ way, such as providing tenants’ insurance, furniture, medical care immediately without an appointment, and other supports. The Mission is fantastic in doing everything it can to help clients meet their goals,” Robyn concludes.

People deserve a second chance…

My name is Michael Moffat and I’m a chef by trade. I’m currently a partner at a Thyme and Again Catering. I care because caring is the bases of existence. Having grown up in this industry I’ve seen a lot of second chances. And I’ve met a lot of really wonderful people that have suffered for one reason or another. But truly when they are given something to believe in they thrive and for me it’s very important to understand and to continue to help those people because they deserve it. A good person a good person regardless of circumstance. It’s a real benefit to me as a person and as a business to find those people because they enrich my life and that’s why I care.

Launching a second life is so exciting to watch!

I’m Sheila White and I’m the owner of Thyme and Again Creative Catering in the Ottawa area. We have been happy to have at least 9 or 10 graduates come through Thyme and Again. Why we care and what excites us about the program, is that we’re able to not only bare witness to, contribute, and collaborate but we’re able to watch and encourage someone that is just launching their second chance at life. And it’s a wonderful opportunity for us to grow and learn from their stories and for them to learn from us. It’s great to be part of someone’s success and that’s why I care.

Food Services Training Program Students Positions Graduates for Success

Ottawa, ON – On June 21, 14 graduates of The Ottawa Mission’s Food Services Training Program (FSTP) received their diplomas. This program, which runs for five-months and includes both academic and practical components, provides students with the necessary skills to work in a commercial kitchen.

Chef Ric Allen-Watson leads the Program, which has been in existence for the past 14 years. He was a recipient of the Canadian Culinary Federation “Chef of The Year” award in 2015 and the first Non-Profit Chef to receive the award.

The Mission works with St. Lawrence College and Ontario Works to accept men and women into the FSTP.  Since 2004, it has had 125 graduates, most of whom have gone on to work in restaurants and food services companies throughout our community. The program is part of a suite of education and job training programs that the Mission offers to help the most vulnerable in Ottawa rebuild their lives.  Scott Switzer and William Deschamps and are both proud new FSTP graduates who have secured positions in commercial kitchens and are enjoying their newfound careers.

“The FSTP is an incredible program that’s academically challenging and also provides essential practical skills to work in a commercial kitchen. It set me on the right path. I want to thank not only Chef Ric but also everyone who works at The Ottawa Mission for providing me a helping hand when I needed it,” notes Scott.

“It’s very important to me to not only have survived past challenges, but also to reach a place where I thrive, prosper and contribute to society. Chef Ric and the FSTP gave me the support, encouragement and practical tools I needed to re-invent my life.  I am so thankful,” says William.

Chef Ric understands the power of mentorship and paying it forward to change lives. “When I was young, a co-worker took me under his wing and saved my life. That’s why this training program exists:  he showed me how to change your life through food. So when students come into the program, that’s how I support them to change their lives.”

The next FSTP course will begin on July 9.

About The Ottawa Mission

Since 1906, The Ottawa Mission has been serving the homeless, the hungry and the lost by providing food, clothing, shelter and hope. In 2017, The Ottawa Mission sheltered an average of 233 men every night and served an average of 1,308 meals every day. The Ottawa Mission also provides health services, mental health supports programs, addiction treatment programs, hospice care, dental services, educational support, job training, spiritual care, and men’s clothing to thousands in need in our community. Visit to learn more.

Chad Comes “Full Circle”

When Chad first came through the doors of The Ottawa Mission over 6 years ago, he was, in his own words, “that guy on that street wearing the same clothes for thirty days.”

Chad was born in Arnprior and has spent all his life in the Ottawa area. He had a rough childhood and struggled with addiction for many years. He arrived at The Mission in the middle of winter with only the clothes on his back. The way Chad has transformed his life since then is nothing short of remarkable.

He spent a month in the shelter, and then moved on to our Stabilization program where people receive counselling and support to get their lives and their health in order before entering addiction treatment. For Chad, his time with us was life-changing. “After years of suffering, I finally felt secure in sharing my pain. The Mission showed me that there’s nothing wrong with me as a human being and they gave me the strength to commit to long term treatment and move on to a better life.” And he has succeeded!

After volunteering and working in the community, and with a deep desire to give back, Chad enrolled in Algonquin College’s social worker program. He’s now one year in, and earning top marks! He got married three years ago, and has bought a house. Chad has moved on to a whole new future.

Recently, Chad came to the shelter for a “full circle” moment – a moment that was very special to Chad and The Mission. He came to donate several boxes of his own clothing so that others will benefit from the care and compassion he received when all he had were “the clothes on his back”.

Sammy’s Amazing Journey

Twelve years ago, 28 year-old Sammy was a newcomer to Canada seeking political asylum and a better life. He spoke very little English, and was struggling to find work.

Sammy was visiting an employment office one day and saw a poster advertising The Ottawa Mission’s Food Services Training Program (FSTP). He had experience as a cook, so he called us right away. He wound up speaking directly to Chef Ric Watson, The Mission’s Manager of Food Services, and his amazing journey began.

In Sammy, Chef Ric saw a young man who was sincere in his desire to work hard and succeed in life. For this reason, even though the current FSTP class was already full and underway, Chef made an exception for Sammy and admitted him to the program. True to form, Sammy excelled.

During his 5 months in FSTP Sammy also managed to spend a lot of his spare time at our Stepping Stones Learning Centre improving his English – with the ultimate goals of achieving his Grade 12 equivalency – which he did, and then completing the 2-year Culinary Management course at Algonquin College – which he also did! The Mission stood by Sammy, offering encouragement and support, for every step of his journey – even assisting with paperwork to allow his wife to join him in Canada.

Sammy has been working with the same local food services company since completing FSTP – and he, his wife, and their two Canadian born children enjoy a very good life in Ottawa. As Sammy says, “Twelve years ago, people at The Mission opened their hearts to me. They inspired me every day to keep going and achieve my dream. They will always be a part of my life.”


On April 27,2018  a letter to the editor of the Globe and Mail by our Executive Director Peter Tilley was published in response to an article within that newspaper, which appears below.

Ontario’s Cities Need A New Approach To Homelessness (April 25): Janet Mason writes that “Simply building more traditional shelter beds in response to last year’s crisis will institutionalize homelessness in our society. People will be warehoused without access to services or a path out of chronic homelessness.”

Ontario shelters offer many programs that address the root causes of homelessness and enable clients to rebuild their lives. In addition to sheltering an average of 233 men every night and providing more than 1,300 meals every day, at the Ottawa Mission we provide health services, mental health and addiction treatment programs, hospice care, dental services, educational support, job training, second stage housing, spiritual care, and clothing to thousands in need.

Shelters are not “warehouses.” They are an essential part of the solution to homelessness.

Peter Tilley,
Executive Director
The Ottawa Mission

In Praise of our Priceless Volunteers

April 15-21 marks National Volunteer Week – a time to recognize, celebrate and thank Canada’s 12.7 million volunteers, including some very special people we see every week at The Ottawa Mission. Our dedicated army of volunteers – an average of 250 a week! – help to care for hundreds of people every day of the year at our shelter.

We’d like to thank you, dear volunteers, for all that you do.

You feed the hungry, by helping to prepare and serve an average of 1,308 meals every day, and by giving us great support at our special holiday dinners at Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas.

You help organize and distribute hundreds of items of clothing, bringing warmth and a sense of pride to people who have so little.

You bring smiles to the faces of those who often have little to smile about, by pitching in to help with bingo and movie nights, or by dropping by to play cards or cribbage.

And you do so much more…

You come by yourself, with your family, or your church, school groups, or co-workers. You give the precious gift of your time. But what this really means is that you are giving the gifts of kindness, compassion and hope to so many who would otherwise feel forgotten – and these gifts are priceless.

God bless you all!

Ottawa Mission to Serve More Than 2500 Easter Meals


When: On Easter Monday, April 2nd from 11:15 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Ottawa Mission will serve more than 2500 meals to men, women and children in our community who are hungry and have few options for a nutritious and shared meal. Our goal is to ensure that anyone who is in need is provided with a special Easter dinner. Many dignitaries have accepted the Ottawa Mission’s invitation to act as special servers for the event, including elected officials of the House of Commons, the Provincial Legislature, and City Council.

Where: Entrance to The Ottawa Mission’s dining room is at 53 Daly Ave.
Note: In order to preserve the privacy of clients who do not wish to appear in media stories, photographs and video will be confined to 2 tables within The Ottawa Mission’s dining room.

Who: Interviews available with Peter Tilley, Executive Director, The Ottawa Mission.

Please visit the following link for more information:

Since 1906, The Ottawa Mission has served the homeless, the hungry and the lost by providing food, clothing, shelter and hope. In 2017, The Ottawa Mission provided shelter to an average of 233 men every night and served an average of 1,308 meals every day to men and women. The Ottawa Mission also provides health services, including primary care, mental health and addiction treatment programs, hospice care, and dental services, as well as educational support and job training, spiritual care, and men’s clothing to thousands in need in our community.


Ottawa Mission

Aileen Leo
Director of Communications
T: (613) 234-1144 x 305
C: (613) 712-3092


Joint Statement

The Ottawa Mission
The Salvation Army
The Shepherds of Good Hope

March 5, 2018

The Ottawa Mission, Shepherds of Good Hope and The Salvation Army serve many of the most vulnerable people throughout our City who are either experiencing homelessness or at risk of experiencing homelessness due to physical or mental health conditions, poverty, or other factors. We also serve many who are not clients of our emergency shelters, but who come to us for support because their current situation forces them to choose between paying rent, buying food or clothing their families.

Together, we provide programs and services that save lives and contribute to the overall health of our community, including:

  • health services including such as primary care, mental health and addictions, medical, and hospice care;
  • emergency, transitional, and supportive housing;
  • emergency food and community meals;
  • job training and employment services;
  • clothing.

Our staff members are all professionally trained, and we also rely on the support of hundreds of dedicated and compassionate volunteers. We are all publicly accountable institutions and report back regularly to the community on our work.

We are proud of the work we do to meet the daily needs of many of the most vulnerable in our community and are proud of the role we play in supporting both the ByWard Market and the City of Ottawa.