February 18, 2015

A Warm Response to a Cold Winter Event

This winter has been bitterly cold and long for everyone in Ottawa – but doubly so for people staying in shelters. Not only is it more difficult for those looking for housing or jobs to get around, but staying indoors in a shelter with limited public space and cramped bedrooms only adds to the stress for many people in crisis.
As we all anxiously await warmer temperatures, at The Mission we will be facing the weather head-on with a special event this Saturday, February 21.  The Coldest Night of the Year fundraising walk has been growing in many cities across Canada in recent years, and this is the first year The Ottawa Mission has taken part.   And we are very pleased to report that the response from the community has been amazing!  Not only will we have almost 200 walkers out on our downtown route this Saturday, but hundreds of others have also contributed pledges to show they care about those in need. It’s expected that more than $42,000 will be raised to help support the  The Ottawa Mission’s vital work for those who are homeless and hurting in our community.
As well, almost 60 volunteers will be on hand this Saturday to help us ensure the event goes smoothly – many of them standing outdoors in the cold to guide and cheer on those who are walking the route.
The wonderful support we have received for our 1st Annual Coldest Night of the Year walk has warmed our hearts – and the hearts of those staying at The Ottawa Mission – even during one of the coldest winters in recent memory.  Thank You!